National University
AAUP Advocacy Chapter


About the Chapter

The NU AAUP Advocacy Chapter was approved by the National AAUP Organization in mid-April, 2015. The chapter was created by a group of NU faculty who were active AAUP members.

The chapter is part of the "Professional" arm of the National AAUP and is not part of its "Collective Bargaining" arm.

As a private organization independent of the National University administration, the chapter can advocate on behalf of the NU faculty for any improvements, protections, and/or recommendations that chapter members and NU faculty believe are in the best interests of the University and the communities it serves.

The chapter does not replace or take on any of the duties and responsibilities of the NU Faculty Governing Bodies, which include the Senate, Graduate Council, Undergraduate Council, and Council of Chairs, but seeks to work closely with them, in a collegial and friendly manner, in matters of mutual interest.

We also seek to work with the NU Board of Trustees, the NU President, and the NU Provost on any matter or issue important to National University in which our participation could be beneficial to all concerned.


The Bylaws that govern our organization and activities can be downloaded from the link below:

NU AAUP Chapter Bylaws

Chapter Officers


Patric Schiltz, PhD
Professor – Department of Health Sciences, School of Health Professions (SOHP)

Vice President

Patrick Olson, PhD
Professor – Department of Engineering and Computing, College of Law and Public Service (COLPS)


Christine Photinos, PhD
Professor – Department of Arts & Humanities, School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences (SoALS)


Allyson Washburn, PhD
Professor – Department of Social & Psychological Sciences, School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences (SoALS)